Visuals and audio done right just for your story.


What we provide

We want to provide an emotional connection that creates a reaction and a response. We are a brand’s best friend as stories are told, imagery is seen, and audio is heard to captivate existing and new audiences.


How we work

We are always dedicated to building friendly relationships with our clients and creating excellent products that have a unique style and character. For this reason, we prefer to have close collaboration with our clients as we believe that it ensures great results and complete client satisfaction.

Who we’ve worked with

gym tiME

Giacalone Construction

Carl Volkman & Sons HVAC

State Representative Peter Schweyer

Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure

Nicos C. Elias Funeral Home, Inc.

CASA of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties

CASA of Ocean County

Northampton County Commissioner Tara Zrinski

The Reading Hot Stovers

Nazareth Mayor Lance Colondo

State Representative Tim Brennan

Congressional Candidate Denny Wolff

Cost and Price

Since every single project is different, we want to make sure that you are not overspending your resources. We will never add on services simply for the sake of it. We will certainly discuss costs during our initial consultation. In the end, it’s all about mutual respect.

When we consider and formulate project costs, we take into account all pre-production, production and post-production work. We take into account in no particular order, location, graphic generation, editing, audio production, music, and master file creation costs to name a few as we determine price per project.

Get started with PCS Digital, today.

Contact PCS

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